The Journey

The Journey

28 Jun 2022

After years of hard work and sacrifice, Simon has a good family, a beautiful home and a successful luxury car dealership.

Then a tragic accident shatters his world, and the more he tries to hold his life together, the more it falls apart. Relationships are under pressure, and as he deals with his grief, there is trouble brewing that could destroy everything he has worked for.

With the looming threat of years in prison, financial ruin, and losing his family and friends, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

Can Simon save his family and find happiness again?

ISBN: 9781914471964
ISBN-13: 9781914471964
Available in the following formats:
  • Paperback
  • eBook

Book Extracts


An excerpt from 'The Journey'.

His age was starting to show and I wondered how long he'd carry on running the place.
    ‘Life is like a holiday,’ he told me late one evening. ‘At the beginning, yo…

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An excerpt from 'The Journey'.

     ‘Was there ever a ferry here?’ I asked late one evening, as The Major, John and I enjoyed
a whisky.
    Heavy rain was lashing against the small window nex…

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An excerpt from 'The Journey'.

    Martine could see that I was far away in my dreams and tapped me on the arm to attract
my attention.
    ‘Mike doesn’t go in much for starters. He likes to go st…

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Latest Review on NetGalley

Reviewer 823951

Such a well-crafted novel, compelling enough to pull you through and a very quick read. I enjoyed it so much from the first page till the end. A good story like this needs a quiet afternoon, a sofa and a warm blanket.

Enjoyable Read


I enjoyed reading this well-written book. Once you start reading, it is hard to put down as you can't wait to find out what happens to the main character, Simon, and his family and friends.

A sequel would be good!

However, I can't wait to read the next novel from this author.

This review also appears on Amazon.

What reviewers are saying on other sites

Various Readers

"Nicholas Hill can clearly construct a story." Ben Dutton, Goodreads.

"I requested this book as I liked the look of the cover, and the title intrigued me. I really enjoyed it. I would never normally have chosen a book that involved a car garage business; however, I’m glad that I did!" Sian Reads, Goodreads.

"This was well written." Dominique H, NetGalley.

"Great book. Thoroughly recommend."  Jane Easton, Director-General, English-Speaking Union.

"Such a well-crafted novel, compelling enough to pull you through and very quick read. I enjoyed it so much from the first page till the end. A good story like this needs a quiet afternoon, a sofa and a warm blanket."  Reviewer 823951, NetGalley



I very much enjoyed The Journey, it is an easy read with an engaging plot, and full of surprises until the very last page. The central figure ,Simon, is an interesting if conflicted character , but also a bien survivor having to make a series of moral decisions as he faces one challenge after another. Undoubtedly many readers will identify with him, while others may not like him at all. The other characters, of which there are many, are often very likeable and the author's description of the settings on the Wirral and in the Lake District suggest strong ties with these areas. Overall a great read for the beach or a lazy weekend at home.

A very pleasant read

Pal Naess

The Journey is a great read and kept me entertained for many hours. Interesting characters, each with a intriguing personality, and a story that is easy to follow, with some surprising twists. There is so much more to the story than what is explicitly stated. Looking forward to Mr Hill’s next books!

Good Summer read

Olivia Jones

The Journey was a nice easy read, with a plot that kept me turning the pages. I still haven’t decided about the main character, Simon. He came across as nice and family orientated, but I thought he was hiding something. The characters are all believable, and in particular I liked the The Major. I’m going to be watching out for a sequel or a TV mini-series.