
Date Time Location Event
6 May 2022 noon Le Phénix, Marseille First Public Launch
19 May 2022 6:30 p.m. Le Rowing Club de Marseille English-Speaking Union
20 Sep 2022 6:30 p.m. The West Kirby Bookshop, Wirral Private Book Launch
First Public Launch

First Public Launch

6 May 2022 | noon

Nicholas Hill made his first public presentation of The Journey during the inauguration of his Marseille urban regeneration project, Le Phénix.

Guests included representatives of local and regional government, business owners, and actors in the construction sector.

English-Speaking Union

English-Speaking Union

19 May 2022 | 6:30 p.m.

Speaking against the magnificent backdrop of the Vieux Port, Regional President of the English-Speaking Union, Nicholas Hill presented The Journey at a cocktail party hosted by the Rowing Club de Marseille.

Guests included the US Consul General, the British Consul, a representative of the British Embassy in Paris as well as a diverse audience drawn from all over the South of France. 

Private Book Launch

Private Book Launch

20 Sep 2022 | 6:30 p.m.

The first part of The Journey is set on the Wirral and there could be no better place to host the first UK book launch than the newly opened West Kirby Bookshop.

"Although I now live overseas, I still have strong ties with the area," explains author, Nicholas Hill. "My family drama draws heavily on my experiences when I was growing up and it will be particularly relevant to local readers."