May 23, 2022

    Martine could see that I was far away in my dreams and tapped me on the arm to attract
my attention.
    ‘Mike doesn’t go in much for starters. He likes to go straight for the main course. He’s a
hungry boy.’
    She was off again, but this time I was determined not to let her get the better of me.
    ‘So he has told me, Martine. I’m the opposite. Often, Teresa and I would spend so much
time on the starters that we couldn’t manage anything else afterwards.’
    ‘No, that’s not for Mike. It’s not his thing. Although he usually likes to come back for
seconds right after he’s finished with his first big helping,’ she added thoughtfully.
    It was becoming like a match at Wimbledon and I needed to throw her with a grand slam.
    ‘You must tell me what you do to help him keep his appetite. Many of us coming up to
fifty struggle to finish a whole serving, let alone ask for more.’
    ‘You shouldn't ask a golden oldie like me. I'm sure Joanna could give you an idea or two
if you wanted,’ she replied before turning to Lawrence.
    She had won. Game, set and match.